Monday, May 25, 2020

Guys Magazine March 1996 Thai Stick (drawings X-rated)

This one was actually a modified version of a column I wrote for MRR. The original column was written in such a way that the gender of the other person was a mystery. The first time I know of where where a sex story was written without revealing the gender. In this version, for obvious reasons, the gender is clear.

For more recent writing... visit my blog at:

Saturday, May 9, 2020

ZAP Winter 2019

I've had a long and much loved relationship with Germany. I lived in a commune there (actually, right across the border in Belgium... but I lived with Germans)... and frequently visit. I've spent more time there than in any other non-US country. When my German friends visited New York in the 70s, my mother spoke to them in Yiddish. They could understand, though when they answered, my mother had no clue as to what they were saying.

So, after I was booted from MRR, my friends at ZAP, asked me to write for their newly arisen REAL PRINT zine.

"My German is not good enough," I protested. They printed me in English.

Danke Typer!

I'm working on the next one right now!

Contact ZAP (and send $10 for your own copy to):
Untere Alle 3
66424 Hamburg

if you want to read more from me... you can find my blog at: